Why Professional Photography is Still Relevant and Valuable

May 1, 2024 Baby's First Year, Family Photography

Professional Photography...is it really worth it?

In this digital age we are in, presumably every person has access to great cameras on their cell phones, as well as crazy good AI editing features that might make it seem like a photographer’s job is becoming obsolete. As a photographer myself, I’ve pondered this topic in detail, and wanted to share why I believe working with a professional photographer is even more essential and valuable than ever before.

But before I get too deep, let me just say that cell phone photography definitely has it’s place. There are some great benefits to having a camera in my pocket every waking moment. (I think.) You know I’m a Grandma now, and aside from using the phone to read the instructions on my cold medicine (that zoom feature is GREAT!), I also enjoy the blessing of not just getting to hear about my grandbabies’ fun and creative antics, I also get to see pictures and videos of their ornery grins and belly laughs, in the moments they are happening! (Truly amazing.)

But I do have to ask myself…in a time when we are flooded with images from every corner of our lives, what makes professional photography special, what makes it relevant in the lives of my clients?

A true professional should have a lot to offer…they should possess a creative ability to pull a shot together, be able to help a nervous client relax and even enjoy having their picture taken. They should be able to capture genuine emotions and interactions between couples and families, and they should understand how light works and how it affects the style and quality of your images. A professional photographer should also have some level of advanced training (or the equivalent experience) and own excellent equipment, among many other things.

But I believe there are a couple of benefits about working with a professional photographer that are often overlooked. (And those benefits aren’t just limited to working with us, though I think we work extra hard to help you to maximize their potential!)

Scheduling a family portrait session, either a full session or a themed mini session, requires something special. It requires commitment and trust. You commit to invest time, money and thoughtful preparation to create something together that your future selves will treasure. And you extend trust to us, that we will be able to help you do that in beautiful and timeless ways.

It requires you to be intentional. And being intentional makes it special.

This reminds me of an old story I heard growing up. The important part goes like this: An older gentleman asked his younger friend, “Son, how do you spell ‘love’?” The young man scratched his head at the absurdity of such a simple question. Before the young man could answer, the old man replied, “T-I-M-E.”

Anything we do that requires forethought, the time and preparation we invest silently speaks to those who receive it about how special they are to you. And professional photography is no exception.

But don’t let that overwhelm you! We are here to help you plan your photo session and make special memories in a way that won’t be stressful or heavy. It is actually quite fun! We can help you choose a location. We can help you select your outfits. We can even recommend a good restaurant nearby in most situations!

We know life today is so fast-paced. But isn’t that all the more reason to take the time, to make the memories, to get the portraits, and to be intentional?

This is the heart behind every type of session we offer at T. Lyn Photography.

Treasure every season. They truly pass so soon.