Welcoming Baby | Lifestyle Newborn Family Session

September 20, 2021 Baby's First Year, Family Photography, Lifestyle Session, Newborn Photography

Precious First Moments as a New Family

The birth of a child is nothing short of miraculous. And meeting that tiny person for the first time changes us forever. And that first week...so anticipated, (and yet so short!), and so full of changes! Lifestyle photography for families with newborns is meant to help preserve that week of wonder, when everything is fresh and new, in your hearts and minds forever. Let's face it, you will take a thousand pics on your cell phone, and you should! But catching tender interactions between family members is easiest when you aren't personally holding the camera! It is truly one of my favorite types of photography, and is best done within 2-5 days of baby's arrival. They truly change so fast.

A typical in-home session lasts 30-45 minutes, depending on baby's needs for mom during that time. We generally don't have parents do clothing changes in order to keep the session simple and quiet for the little one, but one change for baby is welcome!

If you are interested in scheduling a Newborn Lifestyle Photo Session, use the form below to send an email and start the conversation. You will never be sorry you took the time to preserve the history of your growing family through portraits.

Some families opt to add-on an in-studio Newborn Session, and most participate in my Baby's First Year Milestones program. Click the links (coming soon!) to see how these sessions also are a great addition to your family photo gallery! It's a great way to record the growth of your little girl or guy throughout all the first year. Check our options for various budgets and personal goals.

Newborn Lifestyle Photography | T. Lyn Photography, LLC

Newborn Lifestyle Photography | T. Lyn Photography, LLC

Newborn Lifestyle Photography | T. Lyn Photography, LLC

A Sweet Growing Family | Newborn Lifestyle Photography | T. Lyn Photography, LLC

Tiny Face. Huge Grace. | Newborn Lifestyle Photography | T. Lyn Photography, LLC

Welcome Home Kisses! | Newborn Lifestyle Photography | T. Lyn Photography, LLC

Tiny toes...Newborn Lifestyle Photography | T. Lyn Photography, LLC

Sweetly sleeping...Newborn Lifestyle Photography | T. Lyn Photography, LLC

Be Still, My Heart! | Newborn Lifestyle Photography | T. Lyn Photography, LLC

In-home Lifestyle Sessions for families with newborns are a great way to preserve those first snuggles and smiles, warming the heart for years to come.