Senior Portraits: Defining the Details

February 26, 2020 Senior Pictures

First Things First

I believe that in all phases of life, it's always good to reflect on where we've come from, where we are, and where we are going. Your Senior year of High School is a natural point in your journey to do just that. And your Senior Portraits are a great way to record some of those reflections for years to come.

With pictures? Yes! We've all heard the old saying that "a picture is worth a thousand words," right? Today we are going to focus in on how to prepare for a fabulous Senior Portrait Session that will creatively express your personality, your accomplishments, and your future dreams!! Woo-hoo!!!

Sound overwhelming? Nah! We will walk through it step at a time. And before we are done, I think you will have had some fun!

Yes, even those of you who are actually a bit camera shy or self-conscious... I got you.

It's gonna be fine!

Locations and Themes: Expressions of Who You Are

When we first start considering locations to use during your session, some of you will immediately say "THIS" is the place I want to go for my Senior Portraits!! (Like, you've been planning it in your mind for months or even years, right?!?)

Others of you will think, "I have no idea whatsoever!"

But the truth is, you probably do have the perfect answer if you stop and think on it a bit. Where are you most comfortable? What things to you love to do? What are your hobbies? Do you love to work with animals? Are you an athlete? A scholar? A musician? A farmer? Perhaps you simply enjoy quiet and beautiful places in nature... even if you don't think your own story is particularly exciting, that doesn't make you or your story any less special! And maybe all you need is a new friend, who is also a photographer, (Hint, hint!) to help you realize just how special you really are.

Here are some suggestions from previous seniors sessions that may help stir your creative thought process for locations and themes. Let it broaden your horizons and help you discover the perfect place(s) to record your story.

Antique Tractors + Horses

These two things represented a love for the lifestyle she had been raised up in on the farm, and perhaps even a bit of a dream for her own future to one day do the same for her own children. Raygen's friends, George and Charlotte Mast, run a local duck farm not far from the home where she grew up. Their mutual love for antique tractors and farm living made their families to become life-long friends. It was a natural fit to ask George if we could use his antique tractor collection for Raygen's Senior Session. He and Charlotte happily agreed and were such kind hosts! You can see more tractor poses and some of Raygen's photos with Annie (her horse) in the Senior Gallery section later in this post.

"I have no idea!"

When we first began, Nic may have been a bit like those of you who are thinking... I'm just doing this for my mom. I love my mom, and she really wants these pictures...I don't really care to be in front of the camera...I don't even really know where I want to have these pictures taken at... But once we got chatting about it, Nic had some really great ideas and was actually a natural in front of the camera! We got some great casual photos of him in downtown Mishawaka, and even some sporty action shots in the park! (I think he even had a little fun along the way!)

A Simple Love for Life

Lauryn always had a love for music, animals and the country, and especially for her horse, Codger. Her approach to senior pictures was simple and straightforward. With backdrops of her family's farms and one other location, we put together a collection of photographs that expressed her love for all these things. From her violin and fancy dress, to her gingham shirt, with boots and jeans, we had a fun time creating a snapshot of many things that made life special for her up to then.

Hard Work + Leadership

Bronson Yoder's high school years focused primarily on developing his athletic talent and leadership abilities, so it was a natural decision to choose the Northwood High School football field as the backdrop for his Senior Portrait Session. Although his accomplishments on the field required lots of grit...determination and perseverance, there still remains a gentle and respectful young man that his opponents on the field didn't get to see! But I have. We captured all that and more during his senior session. Thanks, Bronson, for letting me write your senior story in pictures.

A Creative Approach

Meet Hannah. This young lady had two senior sessions with me. One, a more casual, almost impromptu session, that created a collage of fun and expressive shots showcasing her sweet smile and laugh. Our second session was more intentional... more creative, if you will! This time she wanted to express more of her unique interests in photos and had lots of ideas about how to do it! From guns to cattle to goats in tutus, we did it all! To see more of Hannah's photo shoot, check out the blog post of her session.

Quiet Conner

A bit like Nic, Conner embarked on this journey of Senior Portraiture primarily for the love of Mom. Our time together started out at a friend's property and concluded at a nearby event venue, Country Strong, near Goshen, IN. Conner may have started the session as a reluctant model, he warmed up to the camera almost immediately! (I find that happens a lot!) We had a great time capturing memories that both Mom and Conner were proud of and will treasure for years to come.

Outfit Inspiration

Choosing your clothing for your Senior Session is just as important as choosing your location or themes. Here are some basic hints that will help you decide what to include (or exclude) from your clothing choices as you prepare for your session:

1) Find the right fit. Choose clothing that is neither to loose nor too snug...and neither too short nor too low! It may seem like a "no-brainer" when I say that, but it is no fun to feel like you have to "suck in" all the time, or to be continually adjusting the neckline or straps of clothes that just don't fit the best! Some outfits work better if you just sit still in them, and we won't do much of that! Trust me, the less you have to think about "adjusting" your clothing, the more you will be able to relax and enjoy the session. Your beautiful carefree smiles will naturally show up on camera, or...vice-versa!

2) Consider the color. Neutral colored clothing makes you the focus, rather than your outfit! Muted tones photography beautifully, and are a great choice in most situations. There are situations that dramatic colors just "fit" the look you are after, but it is best to discuss this with your photographer prior to the session to make sure we are all on the same page. Remember that darker colors will pick up lint, debris in nature, and animal hair more readily than the lighter colors. And also try to avoid small prints or narrow stripes. These can cause chromatic aberration in the lens of the camera which shows up as an outline of a strange new color in the photo.

3) Give yourself options. Consider a dressy outfit, and start with your most formal clothing first! If you like to dress up and would like a few "formal" shots, this is a great opportunity to do so! Starting with the more formal clothing works best because as the session progresses, you will naturally become more relaxed and so will your clothing. We'll likely save those seated poses til later in the session when you are the most comfortable.

4) Find inspiration. Dress to fit the theme of your session. But please, please always stay true to you! Don't try to copy a cool image on Pinterest that really isn't "who you are" because I promise it will never look or feel the way you are hoping for it to. Just be authentically you!! If you are a t-shirt and jeans person, then do it! I just recommend to avoid t-shirts with graphics because they compete with you for the viewer's attention when they look at your photos. Dresses? Yes. Suits? Yes. Casual "date-night" type clothing? Yes. Football or athletic uniforms? Yes. Cowboy hat? You betcha. And lots of other things too. Just keep it modest. Keep it real. And keep it authentically you. You will be glad you did.

5) Finishing touches. The difference is in the details!

  • Get your hair cut 3-7 days prior to your session, rather than the same day or even the day before, if you are planning to cut it at all. Just. In. Case. Enough said.
  • Either give yourself a little manicure ( need to wash those nails good too!) or get a professional manicure prior to your session. We will certainly see your hands in the photos.
  • Choose your outfits at least a week prior to your session, and have everything washed and ironed (if needed) a few days prior to the shoot.
  • Gather your props a week prior to your session! Seriously? Yes. Do it! Collect the items that you will bring to the session to help tell your story. If that includes a sports bag, stuff it with paper or something that will give the appearance of fullness. Carrying an empty bag looks goofy! (winky-smile!)
  • Get lots of sleep the night before your session, and try to stay well hydrated that week. Your eyes and skin will thank you!
  • Girls, if getting your hair and makeup done professionally will make you feel more comfortable in front of the camera, then don't be afraid to do it! This is one of those "special occasions," and these pictures will live on in your parents' homes for years to come. I suggest you work with a stylist that knows you well, and go for a look that is natural for you.

I hope this has been a helpful guide to get you on your way to planning your own Senior Portrait Session. If you have questions, give me a call, send me a text, or hit the "More Info" button to get the conversation started. I would love to you shoot your Senior Portrait Session and help you tell your story!

Enjoy the following senior gallery. There are more seniors on other sections of the blog and website as well. And if you have time, check out the Final Thoughts at the end of this post.

Thanks for stopping in!

~ Tina

Final Thoughts

Your Senior Portrait Session is such a fun time to creatively express your personality and accomplishments in life up until now! I thoroughly enjoy the process. I love helping Seniors pull together a plan for their session, and I'm here to answer any questions you may have along the way!

Between now and then, here are a few heartfelt, final thoughts I'd like to share with you. Thoughts from the heart of a mom, an aunt, or a friend...not normally those of a photographer. Remember how I said that your Senior Year is a natural point on your journey to reflect? May I challenge you to ponder something for a minute, if you haven't already? It really has nothing to do with your personal portraits, and absolutely everything to do with your personal value... and I believe it with all my heart!

You were created with a purpose, and have a special God-given opportunity.

Do you know what it is? There is only One who can show you.

Graduation is the dawning of a new chapter in your story...and all the pages before you are blank.

What will you choose to write?

May your story be filled with all the goodness of that purpose our Creator intended you to fulfill!


~ Tina