Jason | 3 Months

February 22, 2020 Baby's First Year

Baby's First Year - Jason at 3 months

There are a few milestones in our lives that leave us changed forever.

One is the day we are married. And another is the day we have our first child.

Both these events touch our hearts in ways we could never have imagined before. And neither could we imagine ever being without them again. It was meant to be that way.

And oh, how special to have photos to remind us of those milestones of preciousness as we move forward in our journey of this life.

May I introduce little Jason? This tiny guy is one of the happiest and most content babies I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. I got to watch his momma and daddy grow up into wonderful parents and I know that the best is still yet to come for all of them. (Even tho I know at times it may seem like, HOW can it get any better?!?)

I had the honor of having Jason (and his momma) in my studio a couple weeks ago to record his little expressions and personality thus far in life and it was so much fun! I do believe he will be an early reader. He LOVES letters!!! All we had to do to captivate his attention was keep something before him that had letters on it!!

He studies them. He grins at them. Then he laughs like he just read a joke. I LOVE IT!!

I hope you enjoy this little glimpse of Jason's personality and sweetness as much as I did. Jason and his mom made it pretty easy for me. He stayed happy and cooperative until almost the very end. (winky-smile!) But every model has their limits. And I always think those little cries that tell us, "OK guys... I'm done now," are just as cute as the smiles. Because they are real. They are authentic. They are honest. And for what ever reason, they make us love you all the more.

Thank you Rees and Lauryn for allowing the me privilege of collecting these memories of Jason's first year.



Photographer's Note: The three-month session is one of the most challenging to photograph during the first year. I always approach it with lots of extra time and patience, knowing that babies need to feel peace, not pressure to perform, and they often need to nurse, or get a change of diaper or clothing, and sometimes they just simply take a little break during the session. It's okay! We've got all the time we need. They will only be this little once!

Jason Dale at 3 Months