Inspired Engagement Sessions

January 20, 2020 Engagement

The Journey of Authenticity

Congratulations!! You're getting married!! YAY!!! How happy your hearts must be right now!! The next few months will be filled with planning and preparation...and lots of advice...(oh dear!)

"Inspired Engagement Sessions" is here to simply give you some tools to work with as we plan your engagement session. Our ultimate goal is to capture images that are an authentic representation of your unique relationship and personalities. But it's also to overcome fear of the camera (or maybe the photographer, hehe), and to HAVE FUN!!

This is meant to be a conversation starter. The first few words in an unfinished sentence, if you will, that will help us work together to create an amazingly fun experience (even if you are reluctant to get in front of the camera!) Remember, that fiance of yours loves you for who you are, and who you are becoming. And oftentimes the things you are most concerned about in your appearance are the features your special person finds endearing!

Engagement Session, Country Strong, Goshen, Indiana, photo by T. Lyn Photography, LLC

Elkhart County Engagement, T. Lyn Photography, LLC, Goshen, IN

Engagement Session, Country Strong, Goshen, Indiana, photo by T. Lyn Photography, LLC

Elkhart County Engagement, T. Lyn Photography, LLC, Goshen, IN

Let the Location be an Extension of Who You Are

The first decision to make will be where you'd like to have your engagement photos taken. If you don't already have a spot or two picked out, here are a few things to consider that should help you narrow it down.

  • Do you have a favorite date memory (perhaps where he proposed?) that we could revisit?
  • What are your favorite hobbies as a couple? Do you love the country life?
  • Do you prefer the county life, or brick buildings and cobblestone streets? (Or both!)
  • Do you like to stroll along on the beach?
  • What about a picnic in the back of his truck in the middle of nowhere?
  • Maybe you love hiking through the woods?
  • Do you have horses or other animals?

Does any of that spark an idea for you? If you have some thoughts, but aren't settled on the exact spot, let's chat about it! Remember, this is a conversation. I have lots of suggestions if you need them! Here are some pics of some sweet couples I've had the priveledge of working with. The locations were inspired by questions just like these. Perhaps one of these might help you decide!

Location, then Lighting: The Golden Hour

The time of day your engagement session is photographed will also have some influence upon the overall feeling of the images. Mid-day light can be quite harsh and less flattering. I always encourage couples to schedule their session about 2 to 3 hours just prior to sunset. This enables us to start by capturing more light and airy engagement pictures, as well as those romantic sunset pics.

This time of day is often referred to as "Golden Hour" as it naturally produces beautiful creamy skin tones and gentle highlights to your hair and silhouettes. It is truly the most beautiful time of day to capture lovely photographs.

Also consider a day that the bride can be can be free for a few hours just prior to our session to pay special attention to her hair, nails, and makeup, and to fine tune the details for her wardrobe. Now some of you are gonna say...Tina, I'm not a diva, OK? I don't really need a few hours just to get ready for pictures! But just consider this as you decide:

This season of life is a special part of your journey. This session is about this season. Savor. Each. Step. The next time you are photographed professionally will likely be when you become husband and wife!

Elkhart County Engagement, T. Lyn Photography, LLC, Goshen, IN

Outfit Inspiration

This is going to be fun!! (Honest.) I always encourage couples to choose at least two outfits for their engagement photo session, if not three. For some of you, your biggest problem will be narrowing down the choices from your awesome wardrobe, because you are a fashionista! For others, deciding on a set of coordinating attire (his and hers) is enough to cause stress and anxiety because it's just not your "thing." Don't worry! Whichever gal you are, we are gonna talk through it and I bet you will find the inspiration you need to choose (or narrow down to) those two or three outfits with confidence and even have some fun doing it! Are you ready?? Here we go...

Engagement Session, Country Strong, Goshen, Indiana, photo by T. Lyn Photography, LLC

Don't Be Afraid to Be Fancy

And by fancy, I mean don't be afraid to wear a beautiful dress that is more elegant that what you might normally wear on date night. It doesn't have to be an evening gown, but for some couples it might be. This photo shoot is a celebration of who you are as a couple, so if it fits you as a couple to do a long flowing gown and a suit and tie, then by all means, DO IT! If all that seems a little much, then still consider a step up from date night with a cute dress and maybe the sports-jacket-without-a-tie look.

So the bottom line is this: This is an historic time in your life. You are making a life long commitment to love and care for one another and to "do life" have babies together and grow old together. It's a big deal! So don't be afraid or ashamed to dress to the occasion. It is a celebration!. Be as fancy as you can be, and remain authentically you while doing it.

Elkhart County Engagement, T. Lyn Photography, LLC, Goshen, IN

Express Your Everyday Side

On the flip side of Fancy is Everyday.

Your second (and possibly third outfit) inspirations could be more true to date night attire or what you might wear when you enjoy a shared hobby together or a cozy afternoon by the fire playing games. (Or perhaps when going on a hike, or enjoying the sunset together at the get the idea.) Depending upon the season, choices for her outfit could range from a casual sundress to knee boots over jeans, with a sweater, scarf and earmuffs. He might choose dress pants and an untucked button-down shirt with a loose collar, with or without a sports jacket over the top. Even more casual might be jeans for both and coordinating shirts or sweaters and scarves.

Feel free to reach out with your clothing questions as you are pulling together your coordinated look. I am always here to help!

A Few More Hints for Beautiful Engagement Photographs

  • Try to avoid small and busy patterns in your fabric. Tiny patterns, especially checkered or striped patterns, can easily create an effect called “Chromatic Aberration” and will result in strange colors and abnormal patterns in the final images.
  • Muted tones of any color will produce a visually calming effect. They naturally provide less visual competition for attention in a photo, causing the real subjects of the photo to stand out: you and your fiance! Some pop of color works well, if it isn't too overwhelming and loud. Again it also depends on your location and season. In real life, I love me a color pop. In photos, it can be touchy.
  • Choose clothing that fits you comfortably. If your outfit requires you to “suck in” and constantly “think about” your figure, it will show in your images. Choose something that allows you to feel natural and relaxed, while still feeling confident that you look nice! (You will never be sorry you chose to dress it up for one of your outfits!)
  • Try to coordinate, rather than to match exactly. This is important. The best images are those where the outfits compliment each other, rather than duplicate each other. If you would like a second sets of eyes, please feel free to send me a picture of the clothing you have each chosen for the session. I am happy to offer suggestions that might help, if you like. Also, don’t be afraid to wear different colors. If you want the groom in a white shirt, that’s fine. But simply using a second, complimentary color is equally fine. Don’t be afraid to be different, just be coordinating!
  • Most couples choose two outfits for their engagement sessions. I always recommend starting with the fanciest/dressiest outfit first. We will start our session with simple standing poses and progress through the session with more advanced posing as well as a healthy dose of candid shots. Seated poses generally work best when you are not still wearing your fancy dress. By the time we are ready for those, you will be in your comfiest clothing and also most relaxed in front of the camera. A recipe for success!
  • Clean your rings! Dirt or buildup on a ring can actually show up in our close-up detailed shots, so it is important to clean all jewelry you will be wearing prior to the session. If you do not have a jewelry cleaner at home, your jewelry shop will usually provide a complimentary cleaning. If that is not practical yet today, you would be AMAZED by what toothpaste and an old toothbrush can do!
  • Don't forget your nails! We will be zooming in on that precious ring he gave you'll want to be neatly manicured for the occasion.
  • A little advice...especially for those soon-to-be Grooms! Remember this is a once in a lifetime experience. This is all about your personal expression of love to one another. It is also preparation for your wedding day, so that we all will know how to work together quickly and efficiently together and still have FUN! I will teach you some basic posing that will be the foundation of our formal shots on the wedding day. And we will take time for some casual and candid shots, prompted by me, and executed fully by you! (haha!) If things go well and you are “all in”, we will move to some more advanced poses and more prompted candid shots as well.

Just know this: Rarely does anyone feel totally comfortable when we begin.

But this is not about being a model. (Whew!) It’s about giving each other something that both you (and your future children) can treasure for many years to come. It’s a reminder of this wonderful season of new beginnings in your life together, and it’s the beginning of your family legacy.

  • Hair and Makeup? While not all of this applies to all my clients, as some prefer minimal or no makeup at all, the heart of it applies to everyone. Whatever helps you and your fiance to feel the most confident and prepared for your session is a critical step to capturing the most memorable and authentic images. If you are relaxed and confident, your smiles and your laughter will reflect this on camera. If it boosts your confidence to have professionally done hair and makeup, then do it! You will not regret it. After investing in your wedding experience, don’t skip the details that might seem minor at the time. Make this engagement session a memorable step in your journey. If you are more of a minimalist with hair-styling and makeup, that is fine too! I just want to encourage you to make it special, in whatever way is most true to you as a bride, and to both of you as a couple.